Radiation itself, in Stan Lee’s incredible imaginary universe, could do lots of great things and turn ordinary people into fantastic mutants or beneficial man-size bugs.
#Comic actio eords skin#
Gamma radiation was one of Stan Lee’s trademark reasons for super stretchiness, the ability to create force field shields around yourself, skin that’s hard like stone, and flames coming out of your hands.

Why did the satellite signal just go out? “Gamma rays.” How do I lose my car keys when they’re in plain sight? “Gamma rays.” How did you get all that lumber in the back of your truck? “Gamma rays.” How do people get so smart? “Gamma rays.” Why do my shoes wear out so fast? “Gamma rays.” Whenever someone asks one of those questions about the mysteries of life, the answer is “Gamma rays.” Sometimes I say it with a laugh sometimes I’ll say it with a straight face because I gotta make them believe. My favorite of his themes is still gamma rays. For instance, a short list of the sci-fi themes he thrilled readers with would have to include radiation, genetic mutation, atom manipulation, cybernetic augmentation, interstellar travel, and extra sensory perception. The spectrum of his science fiction was impressively broad.

Granted, he didn’t write every plot for every comic book, but he did present the basis for the stories. Stan Lee is one of the masterminds of science fiction. It occurred to me that there might be someone out there now, or in the future, who wants to know what the big deal was about Stan Lee.